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The Future Of Twitter Is ThingLink

#IMHO the future of Twitter is ThingLink. Twitter is no longer limited to 140 characters of text. ThingLink lets you add clickable-in-tweet links to a picture. Essential portions of a brand website can be represented in a single tweet. Subject pictures added to the standard twitter text can be optimized to create context. If you are a brand manager, start creating engaging twitter pictures today.


See The Dawn Of Success

I resonate with the sentiment that It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship  as shared by Adeo Ressi with BrianSolisTV. Pivoting away from a genuinely good business concept is always an issue of discernment. Knowing whether to steadfastly hold the course, or to divert to a less than ideal business option is difficult for sure. The hot cauldron of circumstance that burns the ore of one’s startup business reveals personal slag and bears forth a person’s true nature. As the heat increases in the early stage of prospecting your business you will discover whether you merely want any sort of revenue stream other than the career you left to pursue entrepreneurship or If you are on course to found a company built on the refined metal of your initial idea.

Post Election Reflection

Difficult circumstances always bring out that which lies underneath, in our heart of hearts. If it is sweetness, then sweet. If it is bitterness, then bitter. Our country is by a whole host of reasons undergoing a massive stress test, and it is revealing our character, individually, and then, therefore as a whole.

That said, I find it less than helpful when my Facebook friends treat each other in terrible ways that they would never find appropriate in a conversation at work, or at a conference, or over a cup of coffee. A person does not acquit themselves well if their argument ends in cyber-bully language that was last seen in the hallways of our Jr. High School. It was wrong then, and it is most certainly wrong now.

The great good that comes from seeing our bitter inside is that we have the rose colored view of ourselves removed and have the opportunity to change that behavior going forward. But that change can not be wrought by our ‘hoping to do better next time’, but must be an act of confession, to ourselves first, to others second, and if you believe in God, to God. Then, we can show others forgiveness because we ourselves have experienced forgiveness. Structural change is tough; and if we want our country to have it, then we must start in our own hearts.

Codeacademy Best thing since sliced bread

Codeacademy is the best thing since sliced bread. I am learning to code at my own pace. I am awarded with badges for my success. I am given the option to share my stage completion via my social networks. And best of all its free.

Get your code on! Join me.

When Can You Start?

When Can You Start?


Elay Cohen is Senior VP of Sales and Productivity and earns the award for best “Job Post Tweet” of the last week or so…

“@elaycohen: Know someone that wants to be creative and have fun communicating and enabling our global sales teams? Let me know.”

Observe the descriptive terms: “Creative”, “Fun”, “Communicating” and “Enabling”. In 140 characters or less he grabs attention by appealing to the heart of every Internet Solutions Tweep that is pinning for a new lease on their professional life. Every job post over my Tweet feed #fails to apply this kind of language and instead ply’s ancient, dusty verbiage that is as out dated as print newspapers. He begs at your basic instincts to break out of your cubicle, be an instigator, a truth teller, and have a good time doing it. How can other job posts compete?

Note the brisk nature of the Tweet. It didn’t eat up all 140 characters. It is a single sentence. The sentence has a single thought; not a compound. Yet, if someone is grabbed off the Twitter-Street by this post in the window of the shop, they can open the Linkdin door and find the solid layout of who, what and where.

I only have one suggestion to really fill out the ‘sell’, and that is to link it up with some eye candy. A perfect compliment to any idea is a visual presentation of the product. SalesForce’s announcement this month of their new corporate HQ included stunning depictions. The aforementioned brisk words can then be combined with an equally brisk vision of salty air and SFO sourdough while sipping Pete’s coffee and tapping out messages on their Ipad 2.

-Zachary Jeans




Adobe and Apple have reconciled their differences over Flash. And in the next week we will see a Lion, a Cloud, and the Number 5 spread out into the etherspheres of Twitter, Facebook, and blogs galore. Why?

Because, of one simple frustration every Mr. Mac and MS. Mac have expressed in hands upon temples grasping at their hair in lieu of trying to edit a rich text field or watch a video: “Why can’t I do this simple thing?” The answer has been as simple, “Because Apple and Adobe won’t make nice and work together.” So, for years we’ve been locked out of a massive percentage of web content.

Obviously, there is also a cause to the effect that has been the division. Market share as represented by standards for web content delivery technology, which equals wealth. And here, Apple thought it could carve the web up in its advatage as it did with ITunes, and Adobe felt the same way as regards its Media tool: Flash. Ultimately they found a solution in redifining their market focus. Adobe will focus on selling its business tech solutions where it earns its cash in bulk and Apple will find a way to incorporate HTML 5, Flash, ect. into its ios 5 and Lion OS future. Subtle nods of humility on both sides that have led all of us Mac’ers to better hair days.

~Zachary Jeans